Diego Rivera: His World and Ours
By Tonatiuh, Duncan
Discover the life and legacy of celebrated Mexican artist Diego Rivera in this picture book by award-winning author and illustrator Duncan Tonatiuh.
A Pura Belpré Illustrator Award Winner!
Diego Rivera, one of the most famous painters of the twentieth century, was once just a mischievous little boy who loved to draw. But this little boy would grow up to follow his passion and greatly influence the world of art.
After studying in Spain and France as a young man, Diego was excited to return to his home country of Mexico. There, he toured from the coasts to the plains to the mountains. He met the peoples of different regions and explored the cultures, architecture, and history of those that had lived before. Returning to Mexico City, he painted great murals representing all that he had seen. He provided the Mexican people with a visual history of who they were and, most important, who they are.
Award-winning author and illustrator Duncan Tonatiuh, who has also been inspired by the art and culture of his native Mexico, asks, if Diego was still painting today, what history would he tell through his artwork? What stories would he bring to life? Drawing inspiration from Rivera to create his own original work, Tonatiuh helps young readers to understand the importance of Diego Rivera’s artwork and to realize that they too can tell stories through art.